Wednesday, August 31, 2016

"Follow your dreams"

People will throw out the phrase, "follow your dreams" like bird seed at a wedding, but what does that mean? For one person it could mean eating their weight in cupcakes. For another, it could mean becoming a serial killer. "Dreams" can exist on both ends of the morality spectrum.

But what does "follow your dreams" mean to me and to us as a couple? Travel. Writing. Exploring. Educating. Those are our dreams. How do we get there?

After pursuing physical therapy, then veterinary medicine, then pediatrics, then English, all in the span of one acadrmic college year, my dreams were all over the place. Learning, helping people, and writing all seemed realistic. Then when something happened that caused me to question my very being, I sought the outdoors and long talks with a Higher Being while meandering on trails and past babbling brooks. This. This was my dream: the outdoors; doing; being.

It was the other night when my husband said, "I know my life's passion: travel. I want to travel." We are both dreamers with some of the most horrible luck out there. Vacations have been canceled due to emergency veterinary bills; my vehicle was rear ended on the way to the hospital to visit my dad in critical care. You get the idea.

After one morning of sitting in bumper-to-bumper Atlanta traffic, we thought, "screw this." And we decided that within the next year we would pay off most of our debts (lovely grad school student loans will be there) and go from there.